Faith Ayrian Yasar Faith Ayrian Yasar

What Does It Mean to Belong to Jesus?

Jesus’ holy living didn’t make him the popular one; rather, it made him hated and despised by all those who were popular in his day. Instead of getting caught up with how we appear to others, we need to focus on the fact that we belong to Jesus.

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Faith Daniel Rowlands Faith Daniel Rowlands

Oaths in God's Name — Deuteronomy 6:13

In the Third Commandment God forbids using his name vainly, but does that include taking an oath in God’s name as is often done in courts of law, entering government service, and in marriage vows?

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Life BCL Life BCL

Encouraging Men in the Church

God has called men to fulfill various vocations in life, including ones of leadership in the family and church. What are some ways we can encourage Christian men as they strive to fulfill their God-given callings in life?

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