Faith Ayrian Yasar Faith Ayrian Yasar

Our Calling to Remember God's Faithfulness

When true remembering of God’s promises doesn’t happen, people can fall into idolatry. True remembering internalizes God's promises and faithfulness and issues forth a changed view of life and changed way of living.

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Life Ayrian Yasar Life Ayrian Yasar

Building Real Community Jesus' Way

We want communities and relationships that are healthy, joyful, full of peace and love, and—most of all—real. How do we get there, and what are some deterrents to reaching that goal?

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Life George Bowen Life George Bowen

Building Guitars to the Glory of God

When I retired six years ago, I was surprised at the range of thoughts and emotions I had. Like the bending of the beautiful and delicate Koa wood, God’s gentle hands were pressing against his creation—me—as I somewhat painfully changed shape in a new chapter of life that included building guitars.

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Faith Lara d'Entremont Faith Lara d'Entremont

When Doctrine Makes Us Uncomfortable

Right biblical doctrine shouldn’t make us feel angst; rather, when theology causes us distress, we should get curious. How can we go about investigating doctrines that make us uncomfortable?

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