Hope Le Ann Trees Hope Le Ann Trees

No Matter How You Feel Right Now, Your Life Is Worth Living

You may be feeling that life just isn’t worth living anymore, that you have made such a mess of things, or that life has dealt you too many blows. You are down for the count. Will you get up? Even in the most difficult of circumstances, here’s why you can go forward and live with purpose.

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Hope Chris Gordon Hope Chris Gordon

God Is Faithful to Forgive Your Sins

Stressful times can lead to the resurrection of old addictions and struggles of the past. What should we do when we experience guilt over our sins and the lingering fear that maybe God doesn’t love or accept us?

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Faith Campbell Markham Faith Campbell Markham

God Can Handle Chaos—Including Yours

In Genesis 1:1-2 we read about God’s formless, empty, lifeless, black, and watery creation and how the Spirit of God loved, sustained, and upheld it. Right now you may feel confused. Empty. Lifeless. Dark. Chaotic. Whoever you are, and whatever the depths and agony of your trials, God is hovering over you: he loves you, he is near to you, and he can rescue you.

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