9 Ways to Kill Sin in Your Life
A true believer may still have a powerful indwelling sin that consumes his or her heart with trouble, weakening the soul. Here are nine ways to mortify sin in the life of the Christian.
A Prayer for When You Don’t Know What to Do
Perhaps you’re in the midst of a difficult decision right now. If so, here is a prayer you can say to your heavenly Father.
3 Good Things to Remember When You Feel Like God Is Far Away
When it feels like God is far away, remember these three good things about the Persons of the Trinity.
How Not To Be a Heretic
Of course, no one ever plans to become a heretic, but it still happens. Here are three things you can do to better know and uphold the great truths of the Bible.
Why Do Christians Pray, “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread”?
The ancient Israelites cried out to God for help in the Sinai wilderness, and God gave them manna: bread rained down from heaven each morning. What do we express when we pray for our daily bread?
Jesus Is the True and Faithful Gardener Who Cares for Your Soul
The Son of God began his sufferings in a Garden and brought them to a close in a Garden. How is Jesus the faithful Gardener who undid what Adam did and accomplished what Adam failed to do?
"I Believe in Jesus Christ, His Only Begotten Son, Our Lord" — The Apostles' Creed, Article of Faith 2
There are bare minimum beliefs for what makes a Christian, and these are found in the Apostles’ Creed. What is the meaning of the second article, “I believe in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord”?
Why I Talk to My Child about Sin
We don’t like to think of our cute, tiny children as being sinful. Even though we may feel uncomfortable discussing the subject, why do we need to talk to our kids about sin?
What Does the Bible Say about Self-Promotion?
We are all tempted to exalt ourselves in some measure, whether on a large or small scale. What does the Bible have to say about self-promotion?