4 Practices for Being Faithful Stewards of Little Eternal Beings
Our jobs, houses, cars, bank accounts, and health are not eternal, but our children are eternal. The time that we have with them is short. Here are 4 practices for being faithful stewards of little eternal beings.
Lord's Days 1-8: 10 Q&As from the Heidelberg Catechism Every Christian Should Know
A solid Protestant catechism (learning by question and answer) is a helpful summary of the Christian faith. Here are 10 Q&As from the beloved Heidelberg Catechism every believer will benefit from knowing.
Trusting Our Unchangeable God in a Constantly Changing World
In the last three years we have gone through not only regular changes of life but also unexpected changes. Both kinds of changes can shake us to the core. How can we deal with low or high levels of fear that accompany change?
4 Reasons Why Every Christian Needs a Deeply Historical Faith
If we isolate ourselves from church history, then we only have present-day Bible teachers and movements to help us discern biblical truth. Here are 4 reasons why every Christian needs a deeply historical faith.
Why Do Christians Pray, “Thy Will Be Done, on Earth as It Is in Heaven”?
At a time when liberties are being pressed and questioned, we should remember that there are in fact two distinct ideas of freedom.
How to Make a Decision That Glorifies God
Perhaps you’re standing at a crossroad and are unsure how to move forward. Maybe you’re waiting, listening, and searching, but no discernible feelings of peace are transpiring. How do we make decisions that glorify God?
3 Good Things to Remember When People Let You Down
In this fallen world we all have experienced the pain and frustration of being disappointed by someone. Here are three good things to remember when people let you down.
"I Believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth" — The Apostles' Creed, Article of Faith 1
The Apostles’ Creed is an ancient statement of the Christian faith that extends back to at least the 2nd century. What is the meaning of the first words of the Apostles’ Creed: “I believe in God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth”?
How Patient Is God With Us?
Augustine once said, “God has promised forgiveness to your repentance, but He has not promised tomorrow to your procrastination.” How patient is God with us?