What Is Colossians 3:18–4:1 Saying about Submission within Family and Society?
Talk about wives submitting, kids obeying, and servants serving, and controversy is likely to follow. What is the apostle Paul saying in Colossians 3:18-4:1 about submission within family and society?
3 Attributes of a Christian Man
What separates a Christian man from other men? In a word, love. But what kind of love—what is the love of a Christian man?
6 Ways a Christian Husband Cherishes His Wife
A Christian husband should enjoy his wife. She is a precious gift from God given to comfort, support, encourage, and love him. Here are six ways a Christian husband cherishes his wife.
Encouraging Men in the Church
God has called men to fulfill various vocations in life, including ones of leadership in the family and church. What are some ways we can encourage Christian men as they strive to fulfill their God-given callings in life?
Did Authoritative Male Headship Exist in the Garden of Eden Before the Fall?
Increasingly, some Christians are claiming that no authority structure existed in Adam and Eve’s relationship in the garden of Eden prior to their fall into sin. Is this true?