4 Must-Read Books for Grieving Christians
These four books are a lifeline of much needed comfort, wisdom, and encouragement for Christians who are struggling to hold on to their faith after experiencing a tragedy.
7 Reasons Why God Makes a “Crook” in a Christian’s Lot
“Consider the work of God: who can make straight what he has made crooked?” (Eccles. 7:13). Here are seven reasons why God allows various afflictions, also known as “crooks,” in the lives of his children.
Should Christians Be Sad When a Fellow Believer Dies and Goes to Heaven?
If we are awaiting a future of eternal glory with our fellow saints in the presence of Christ, then should we grieve over our brethren who die and go on to heaven before us?
Weeping with Those Who Weep (and Letting Others Weep with You)
Here are four ways we can be a comfort to others and find peace and comfort for ourselves.
6 Ways to Avoid Being Like Job’s Friends
It’s not fun being kicked while you’re down. Job’s friends rushed to judgment when he suddenly lost his children, wealth, and health. Here are six things to keep in mind when tragedy strikes.
When We Lose Loved Ones and Have Regrets
My mom had a sudden and massive heart attack and I never got to say goodbye. Yet, in the face of extreme sorrow, the Lord graciously filled my mind with thoughts of eternity that I never had before.
5 Good Things to Remember in Times of Sudden and Excruciating Loss
Maybe you have recently experienced a devastating loss, or you know someone who has. Even though it seems impossible to do when facing a sudden tragedy, here are five good things to remember.
2 Good Things to Remember While You Are Growing through Grieving
Growing through grieving is not something anyone wants to do, but God is at work even in the great pain of death to help his children mature in their walk with him.
How Am I Doing? Fine, but Not Really
Have you ever told someone, “I’m fine,” when you’re not fine at all? What do you say or do when someone is trying to live in the face of an excruciating loss?