5 Essential Traits of Teachable People
True teachability is actually one of the rarest of qualities in the hearts and lives of people. So, what is required in order for us to become teachable?
Q & A: Can I Have Assurance of Salvation?
Yes, all Christians can and should have assurance of their salvation. Theologian R. Scott Clark explains how this assurance is found.
How Should Christians View Money?
What lessons can Christians learn from the Parable of the Dishonest Manager regarding how to view and use money wisely?
The Real Reason Why Life Is Messy
In this world we see people both cause and experience pain, suffering, and tragedy. How did humans get into such a mess, and how can we get out of it?
5 Important Things We Can Learn about Repentance from Psalm 51
King David described the conviction he felt over his sin like that of crushed bones. Here are 5 important things we can learn about repentance from Psalm 51.
3 Reasons to Be Excited Right Now about Jesus' Second Coming
Bogged down by life’s pressing cares? Tired of hearing false prophecies about the date of Christ’s return? Here are 3 reasons to be excited right now about the second coming of Jesus.
Exercising Wisdom When Helping People in Need
In my time as a pastor I regularly encountered people who were in dire straits—unemployed, homeless, struggling with addiction, and the like. We should always seek to help the needy, but we must be wise in how we assist people.
What Is Biblical Meditation?
It’s not an exaggeration that biblical meditation is almost completely antithetical to Eastern meditation. Here’s why biblical meditation is an essential part of a Christian’s worship.
Blood and Water: The Christian Fight for Holiness
Holiness is not something that some special Christians will aspire to. Every Christian will “make every effort ... to be holy” (Heb. 12:14) for the Lord is holy and without holiness we will never see him. Yet, how do we grow in holiness?