When It Seems Impossible to Forgive
Even when we’re confident that we have truly forgiven someone, feelings of rejection, pain, and anger can resurface unexpectedly. Do we need to forgive again or somehow do a better job of forgiving? What should we do when we struggle to forgive?
How Is the Day of Firstfruits Related to Every Believer's Personal Resurrection?
The resurrection of Christ makes the believer’s resurrection necessary. How is the day of firstfruits in the Old Testament related to every Christian’s certain future resurrection?
3 Reasons Why Christians Should Recite the Lord’s Prayer at Church
Even with something as “safe” as the Lord’s Prayer, we need to think, “Can we do this?” And if so, “Why should we do it?” Here are three reasons why we should say the Lord’s Prayer in our church services.
Seek the “Great Gain”— 1 Timothy 6:6-8
Ads and influencers encourage us to want more and more stuff, but God has something far better for us. What does it mean to seek the “great gain” we read about in 1 Timothy 6:6-8?
What Is the Significance of Clouds in the Bible?
The Bible utilizes the imagery of clouds to signal the immediate presence of God in time and space. Here are some ways clouds play a significant role in redemptive history.
12 Essential Elements of Good Sex According to the Bible
There’s a lot of advice out there regarding how to have a fulfilling sexual relationship. Does Scripture have anything to say on the topic? Absolutely. Here are 12 essential elements of good sex according to the Bible.
What Is God-Given Love?
What does God's love look like, and what makes it different from how the world thinks about love?
What Is Mutual Submission and How Does It Apply to Marriage?
What is Paul saying in Ephesians 5 about mutual submission and how does it apply to marriage for husbands and wives?
Pressing On in the Shade of His Presence
Every time I catch myself minimizing the importance of dying to my flesh as it wars continually with the Spirit, I’ve usually made several choices already to undermine my own personal holiness. Here's why we should never let anything in our lives eclipse a breathless, wholehearted pursuit of God.