Asking For a Friend: How Do You Love a Jerk?
It’s easy to love someone who’s quiet, meek, and kind—no problem. But the person who annoys us and pushes all our buttons? The selfish and insensitive clod? How do you love a jerk?
6 Amazing Parallels Between Exodus and the Gospel of John
The parallels between the book of Exodus and the Gospel of John are truly amazing! Here are 6 events from God’s deliverance of Israel from Egypt that point us to our ultimate deliverance in Jesus Christ.
Can I Date an Unbeliever?
The Bible is clear that Christians shouldn't marry non-Christians, but what about dating? Is it okay for a believer to date an unbeliever?
3 Essential Aspects of Godly Manhood
Here are three essential aspects of godly manhood that are under direct assault today from both outside and inside the church.
Peace Amid the Unknown of the Future
God doesn’t tell us everything about the future, but he does tell us some things about the future in his Word. How can we have peace amid the unknown?
Are You a Productive Bee? 7 Ways God Has Gifted Christians to Serve
A jar of honey is the result of thousands of forager bees, drones, builders, guards, and nurses toiling for the queen and her honeycomb kingdom. Here are 7 ways Christians also labor together to produce a sweet gospel harvest.
How Much Is Enough? — Ecclesiastes 4:4
It’s all too easy to allow vain striving to overtake our thoughts and divert us from the most important parts of life. What does the Bible say about how much is enough?
What Is the Bible Saying in 1 Corinthians 11 about Head Coverings?
What is the apostle Paul saying in 1 Corinthians 11 about dress standards for men and women in the church?
2 Ways Joseph Points Us to Jesus
What are two ways we see a type of the Savior Jesus Christ in Joseph’s life in the book of Genesis?