Le Ann Trees Le Ann Trees

7 Dos and Don'ts When You Disagree with Your Spouse

If you’ve been married for any length of time, it’s likely happened that your spouse and you have not seen eye to eye on a particular subject. Here are 7 practical tips for making good decisions that build up your marriage.

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Faith Le Ann Trees Faith Le Ann Trees

What Is the Kingdom of God?

Jesus spoke about the kingdom of God numerous times during his earthly ministry. What is the kingdom of God, and what is its significance for Christians in this world? Here is a short explanation.

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Life Q. O. Helet Life Q. O. Helet

7 Parenting Errors That Can Influence Adult Children to Leave the Faith

Despite bedtime prayers, careful church attendance, family Bible reading, and a firm commitment to living out the faith, neither of our two adult children is currently following Christ. I hope to see others avoid such an outcome. In that light, here are seven parenting errors that can influence adult children to leave the faith.

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