8 Good Ways God May Be Growing You Through Slow Healing
We all want to be healed yesterday from whatever physical or mental ailment or troubled relationship we are experiencing. Here are 8 good ways God may be using slow healing in your life.
5 Reasons Why Sin Is a “Big Deal” from Genesis 3
“Sin” is an uncomfortable word. It reeks of condemnation, judgmentalism. We don’t like to hear it; we feel a bit embarrassed saying it. What is sin, this thing that makes us so uneasy?
What Does It Mean to Be Chosen in Christ?
What does the apostle Paul mean in Ephesians 1:4 when he writes that God “chose us in him before the foundation of the world”?
When Your Spouse Won’t Join a Solid Church
What is a believer to do when his or her spouse refuses to attend a church or is unwilling to join a local congregation?
The Third Day He Rose Again from the Dead — The Apostles' Creed, Articles of Faith 5 and 6
“The third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.” What is the meaning of the 5th and 6th articles of the Apostles’ Creed?
8 Covenants in the Bible and What They Mean for You Personally Today
God always keeps his promises. Here is a brief explanation of the 8 significant covenants of the Bible—and what each one means for you personally today.
2 Kinds of Covenants in the Bible You Need to Know
What are the two main kinds of biblical covenants and how do they help us make sense of the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation?
The Connection Between Jesus' Miracles, Faith, and the Coming of the Kingdom
Why was it that Jesus, the Son of God, could do no mighty work in his hometown of Nazareth?
Before You Pull the Ripcord on Your Marriage
One of the problems I’ve seen in the church is how quickly married couples want to pull the divorce ripcord. Why is it important for Christians to be very circumspect about making such a decision?