Hope Ayrian Yasar Hope Ayrian Yasar

3 Ways God Uses Suffering for Good

Tragedies are riddles—and not the fun and amusing kind of riddles. Rather, they are painful and mind-boggling. Here are 3 ways we see God’s love for his children and how he brings about good through suffering.

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Faith Jonathan Landry Cruse Faith Jonathan Landry Cruse

What Does “Scripture Alone” Mean, and Why Should You Care?

The phrase "sola scriptura” (Scripture alone) doesn’t mean that Christians should only read the Bible. If your sink gets clogged, a plumbing manual will be of more use than anything in the Old or New Testament. Here's what sola scriptura means and why it matters for you today.

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Life Hannah Depew Life Hannah Depew

8 Ways Money Might Be Your Idol

While most believers know that loving money is wrong, many are unaware they may be committing this very sin. Here are a few signs that you may love money too much.

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