7 Reasons Why Doctrine Matters for Every Christian
Sound doctrine helps us stay on target regarding what the Bible teaches, why we believe it, and how to live to God's glory in daily life. Here are 7 reasons why doctrine matters for every Christian.
Discerning the Lies of the Evil One
The devil wants us to be focused on our own mistakes and sins, wrapped up in our failings and contemplating the hardships of our present circumstances. What should we do when the devil tries to defeat us with his lies?
10 Facts about the Reformation You Need to Know (Rumors and Legends Dispelled)
At the heart of the Protestant Reformation was the belief that God’s Word alone is authoritative. Here are 10 facts about the Reformation every Christian needs to know.
Will Christians Be Taken in a Secret Rapture?
Are you waiting for a future secret rapture where Christians are taken bodily out of the world while unbelievers are “left behind”? Here’s why to “be taken” is a bad thing, not a good thing.
"As God in Christ Forgave You" — Ephesians 4:31-32
How can honest self-reflection contribute to improving our relationships?
17 Custom-Made Temptations Crafted Just for You
It is vital, a matter of life and death, to understand the ways Satan will tempt us to sin. Be on guard against these 17 custom-made temptations—crafted just for you.
Aged Care Ministry: 3 Challenges and 5 Responses
I have been a pastor for twenty-five years, the last three of which I was privileged to serve as an aged-care chaplain. Here are some of the challenges I experienced and some of the solutions to these challenges that became apparent to me over those brief three years.
7 Biblical Ways to Care for Your Wife
There are many things Scripture teaches husbands and wives in order to help guide the process of learning to love one’s spouse. Here are seven basic biblical ways the married man can seek to please his wife.
3 Good Things to Do When You Need to Make a Decision
When we struggle with making a decision and ask, "What is God's will in this?" often we want to know what God desires from us. We want his direction. Here are three good things to do when you need to make a decision.