3 Things a Christian Should Consider Before Serving in the Military
Serving in the military can be very beneficial. As a pastor there are several areas in which I would want to provide counsel to a Christian if he or she was considering military service as a vocation.
The Trinity Matters for Every Christian
Many Christians struggle with how to give a sound definition of the Trinity. Why does the doctrine of the Trinity matter for every believer?
5 Biblical Exhortations for Single and Married Christians in the Church Body
How do single and married Christians fellowship with and serve each other in a way that honors the blessing of marriage and the gift of singleness?
Striving for Godliness in the Christian Life — 2 Peter 1
In 2 Peter 1 the apostle addresses a woeful state of affairs: a worldly, lazy, self-indulgent, and ineffective church in which Christians prefer passing pleasures over the godliness true faith demands. Peter tackles it head-to-head.
4 Important Things We Learn about Jesus in the First Chapter of Mark
If you want a quick snapshot of Jesus’ life, the Gospel of Mark is a great place to start. Here are four important things we learn about Jesus in the very first chapter.
What Is the Christian Mother’s Best Kept Secret?
In the first book of Samuel, we read about Hannah, who had a heart set on fire for the Lord even in the midst of bitter anguish. What can we learn from Hannah’s story about how a mother can best love her children?
20 Bible Passages about the Goodness of Motherhood
God has given women the honor, joy, and responsibility of being a mother. Here are 20 Bible passages about the goodness of motherhood.
Are We Ready for the Second Coming of Jesus?
After telling the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18, Jesus says, “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” Why does Jesus draw a direct connection between the faith of the widow and the faith he will find when he returns?
Christian Womanhood
There is no cookie-cutter way to be a godly woman. Christian women have various callings throughout life, which all provide opportunities to bring glory to God.