"If Christ Is Not Risen..." — 8 Implications of Denying the Resurrection
If there is no resurrection, Christians have nothing left to preach. Here are 8 implications of denying Jesus’ resurrection.
Jesus Christ: Truly God, Truly Man
After the death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ, the church found itself having to confront—and refute—these 8 heresies regarding Jesus’ true deity and true humanity.
The Reality and Joy of Accountability
Accountability often seems to be a one-way street. We want other people to be held accountable but also want God and others to to go easy on us. The reality is that we are all accountable to God, one another, and ourselves.
Godly Compassion
God's compassion provides us with the model of what Christian compassion is. Grounded in God's goodness, compassion is merciful and gracious and comes from a sincere and loving heart.
The Vital Importance of Personal Discipline in Your Life
“Hard work beats gifting.” Nothing of any significance has ever been accomplished without discipline. How does personal discipline specifically apply to the Christian life?
9 Ways to Love Women in the Church
Here are 9 ways Christian men can communicate to women that they are valued members of the body of Christ.
Beauty and the Christian Life
How do we live the beautiful Christian life in a world where ugliness exists? In order to face this challenge, it’s helpful to define our terms: What is beautiful? What is ugly?
One Tip for Getting Your Children to Pay Attention in Church
Have you ever asked your children, “Do you remember anything from the sermon?” Here is one tip to help plant the preached word of God deeply in your child’s heart.
Why Did the World Want Jesus Dead Even Though He Was Innocent?
Jesus stands through time as a good and innocent man. Yet, there was such determination to crucify him. Why?