How Do Christians in the Military Love Their Enemies and Do Good to Them?
How do Christians in the military love their enemies and do good to them as Jesus commanded in Matthew 5:43-46?
"As God in Christ Forgave You" — Ephesians 4:31-32
How can honest self-reflection contribute to improving our relationships?
Aged Care Ministry: 3 Challenges and 5 Responses
I have been a pastor for twenty-five years, the last three of which I was privileged to serve as an aged-care chaplain. Here are some of the challenges I experienced and some of the solutions to these challenges that became apparent to me over those brief three years.
3 Good Things to Do When You Need to Make a Decision
When we struggle with making a decision and ask, "What is God's will in this?" often we want to know what God desires from us. We want his direction. Here are three good things to do when you need to make a decision.
Is Poverty More Spiritual?
Some Christians in the 12th and 13th centuries divested themselves of nearly all their possessions and gave themselves to what St. Francis of Assisi called “Lady Poverty.” Should Christians pursue a life of poverty?
How to Have Deeper Conversations Today
Those who engage us in deeper conversations want to go beyond the shallow end. They want to know us. How can we dive beyond the surface of our relationships and encourage deeper conversations?
Encouraging Men in the Church
God has called men to fulfill various vocations in life, including ones of leadership in the family and church. What are some ways we can encourage Christian men as they strive to fulfill their God-given callings in life?
The What, When, and Why of Exhorting One Another
In Hebrews 3:13 we read that believers are called to “exhort one another every day.” What is exhorting, when should we do it, and why is exhorting so important?
The Strong Woman of Proverbs 31
What is the Proverbs 31 woman really like? In this elaborate poem we are not only swept up in the wise talents and virtues of women, but we also learn more about our Savior.