Motherhood: Choosing Growth Over Achievement
It felt as if I had lost some pretty big pieces of myself while gaining the beloved title of mom. In actively fostering interests as time allowed that weren’t necessarily connected to my role as a parent, I discovered that pursuing growth is better than pursuing achievement.
A Tribute to My Missionary Parents
What is it like growing up in the jungle with parents who are missionary Bible translators? We can learn much from those who decided that teaching people about the kingdom of God was worth giving up the "ordinary" life they might have had in this world.
What the Gospel Says to a Mom’s Worry
All moms worry about their children to some degree or another. We worry about little things and big things; yet, we can bring all our worries to God’s throne of grace.
12 Reasons I Love My "Smaller" Church
Both small and big churches are precious gems in Christ’s kingdom. Here are 12 reasons I love my "smaller" church.
Pastors and Friendship
What are some of the challenges pastors face in trying to build friendships with people in their congregation? How can Christians guard themselves from placing unrealistic expectations on their pastor?
5 Essential Traits of Teachable People
True teachability is actually one of the rarest of qualities in the hearts and lives of people. So, what is required in order for us to become teachable?
10 Practical Ways to Help People Who Are Hurting
After my son died in a skiing accident, people cared for my family in a multitude of ways. When you don’t know what to say or do to help someone who is suffering, try these 10 practical tips.
The Reality and Joy of Accountability
Accountability often seems to be a one-way street. We want other people to be held accountable but also want God and others to to go easy on us. The reality is that we are all accountable to God, one another, and ourselves.
The Vital Importance of Personal Discipline in Your Life
“Hard work beats gifting.” Nothing of any significance has ever been accomplished without discipline. How does personal discipline specifically apply to the Christian life?