Oaths in God's Name — Deuteronomy 6:13
In the Third Commandment God forbids using his name vainly, but does that include taking an oath in God’s name as is often done in courts of law, entering government service, and in marriage vows?
God's Providential Care for You
God's providence doesn’t just apply to Old Testament characters like Joseph and Moses. It also applies to all his creation, including each one of us. What is God’s providential care?
"Fact-Checking" the Resurrection
Skeptics of Christianity often challenge the truth about the resurrection, but they do so without evidence. The resurrection of Jesus was a very public miracle. People should be encouraged to examine the historical evidence and then consider the evidence of Christ's church.
10 Things People Who Love God Want to Do
People who have new life in Christ have the Holy Spirit indwelling them. They are filled with gratitude for God’s mercy in saving them and giving them eternal life. Here are 10 things people who love God want to do, along with corresponding Bible verses.
Being Committed to Biblical Truth, Come What May
Why is real truth not about “my truth” or “your truth”? Even when the real truth God reveals in his Word is despised by the world, it is still “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Rom. 1:16).
16 Bible Passages about Why God Allows Evil and Suffering in the World
Some people claim that if God is truly good then he must not be great, because a good God would end the evil and suffering in the world. Here are 16 helpful Bible passages regarding why God is both good and great.
Why Does the Bible Call the Fear of God "Clean"? — Psalm 19:9
We often think of “fear” in a negative sense, feeling high anxiety and worry, especially toward the unknown. Yet, we are called to fear God, which is good and right. Why does the Bible call the fear of God “clean” in Psalm 19:9?
Why Did Jesus Compare God’s Kingdom to a Mustard Seed and Leaven?
Christ’s kingdom is a mysterious mix of humility and glory, power and weakness. Why did Jesus use a mustard seed and a pinch of yeast to represent the glorious kingdom of God?
What Is the Meaning of "His Number Is 666"? — Revelation 13:16-18
“This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666” (Rev. 13:18). What is the meaning of “666” in this verse?