5 Reasons Why Sin Is a “Big Deal” from Genesis 3
“Sin” is an uncomfortable word. It reeks of condemnation, judgmentalism. We don’t like to hear it; we feel a bit embarrassed saying it. What is sin, this thing that makes us so uneasy?
“Guilt, Grace, and Gratitude”: Part 1 — Guilt
“Guilt, grace, and gratitude” is a handy summary for the structure of the Christian faith. In part 1 of a 3-part series, New Testament scholar S. M. Baugh explains why guilt is the core issue facing humans after the fall of man in the garden of Eden.
Did Authoritative Male Headship Exist in the Garden of Eden Before the Fall?
Increasingly, some Christians are claiming that no authority structure existed in Adam and Eve’s relationship in the garden of Eden prior to their fall into sin. Is this true?
How Do People Try to Cover Up Their Sins with Fig Leaves Like Adam and Eve Did?
Adam and Eve thought fig leaves would protect them from God’s righteous judgment of their disobedience. How do we try to cover up our sin with our own fig leaves to justify ourselves before God?
The Futility of Striving to Escape the Fall
In so many ways we are all striving to escape the Fall. Healthy eating, exercise, financial programs, homeschooling, alternative medicine, the list goes on. While these things may be good in themselves, why are they a bad savior?
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly—Thinking Through 2020 in Light of Psalm 90
The other day I heard children chanting throughout the neighborhood: “2020 sucks.” How can we best take to heart the wake up call sent to us from heaven in order to have true hope in 2021?
Counting Our Blessings: A Prayer about Free Will
Here is a prayer to help you meditate on the free will and natural liberty God gave to man in his state of innocency “to do that which was good, and well pleasing to God” (WCF 9.1-3).
Counting Our Blessings: A Prayer about the Fall of Man
“By this sin [Adam and Eve] fell from their original righteousness and communion with God” (WCF 6.2). Here is a prayer to help you meditate upon how God uses even the fall of man for his glory.