Exercising Wisdom When Helping People in Need
In my time as a pastor I regularly encountered people who were in dire straits—unemployed, homeless, struggling with addiction, and the like. We should always seek to help the needy, but we must be wise in how we assist people.
How Does God Speak to People Today?
With heartfelt conviction believers want to know God’s will for their lives and how to honor their heavenly Father. So how can we hear from God?
Being on Alert for the Demonic in the Mundane
The Roman gladiatorial games were ordinary, mundane, everyday events; yet, Christians recognized their evil nature. What in our own culture looks ordinary and mundane, yet, at its core, pulsates with the demonic?
Why Wisdom Is Far More Valuable Than Intelligence
There is no necessary correlation between intelligence and morality, or intelligence and wise conduct. A person can be a fool with a very high IQ. Here’s why wisdom is far more valuable than intelligence.
Speaking Words of Love, Light, and Life with Each Other
When God speaks, light and galaxies and teaming life burst into existence. Our words also have power to them—they can do tremendous harm or good.
Are Good Works Good Enough?
When we look at God’s definition of good works in the Bible we find three criteria. What is a good work according to God’s word and what do good works have to do with our salvation?
3 Important Things to Know about Walking Arm in Arm with Jesus from Proverbs 3:5-6
Years ago a friend criticized me, saying: “Jesus is just a crutch for you.” The longer I have walked in life, the truer this seems to me. In Proverbs 3:5-6, we hear Jesus call us to walk arm in arm with him through every path of life.
Wisdom Versus Law—What’s the Difference?
It may be lawful, but is it wise? What is the difference between law and wisdom in the Bible and how are they related to each other?
3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Calling a Biblical Counselor
It's not all that uncommon to read someone's account of failed biblical counseling efforts. While counselors are, of course, fallible, a counselee needs to have real interest in pursuing gospel-driven, Christ-centered change.