5 Pieces of Friendly Advice for Recent College Graduates
Whether you just graduated from college or are getting close to the finish line, here are five pieces of friendly advice as you pursue your post-college vocations.
12 Wonderful Responsibilities God Has Given to Women
Countless millions of women around the world faithfully strive to honor God in all their vocations in life. Here are 12 wonderful responsibilities God has given to women.
7 Ways to Be a Friend According to the Bible
People lack friends, and they suffer for it. They are doing life alone, and that is hard. We need to learn to be friends again, and the apostle Paul teaches us how in his first letter to the church in Thessalonica.
Motherhood: Choosing Growth Over Achievement
It felt as if I had lost some pretty big pieces of myself while gaining the beloved title of mom. In actively fostering interests as time allowed that weren’t necessarily connected to my role as a parent, I discovered that pursuing growth is better than pursuing achievement.
Trusting in the Lord as You Await the Arrival of Your Little One
Are you anticipating going into labor and feeling like so little is in your control? Here is some guidance that may be beneficial while you anticipate the arrival of your bundle of joy.
8 Ways to Be a Great Teacher—Courtesy of Children’s Piano Instructor Jane Smisor Bastien
Would you like to be a great teacher? Here are eight ways to become one, courtesy of world-renowned children’s piano instructor Jane Smisor Bastien.
Your Secular Life Is a Covenant of Works
People either accept Jesus as their substitute, with his satisfaction and righteousness, or they are obligated to provide their own—a mark that no sinner can hit. Your work in civil life, however, is a covenant of works, not a covenant of grace. This distinction is critically important for every person to understand.
The Kingdom of God Is at Your Fingertips—the Vocation of Motherhood
One Sunday morning I remember being encouraged from the pulpit to be “kingdomly minded.” Hmm, it sounded good—but also a little grandiose. What was I doing as a mother to further the kingdom of God?
A Message to Millennials about Work
Many Millennials are increasingly questioning whether work is inherently good and valuable. Is labor a blessing or a curse?