4 Good Things to Remember about God’s Grace When Facing a Besetting Sin
When facing a besetting sin—a sin that seems to haunt us, taunt us, and rule us—we may feel discouraged. Here are four good things to remember about God’s enabling grace during such times.
What Does It Mean to "Put Off the Old Self" and "Put On the New Self"? — Ephesians 4:20-24
All who are in Christ have the benefits of justification and sanctification. What does this mean, and what is Paul saying about the “old self” and the “new self” in Ephesians 4:20-24?
3 Reasons Why You Must Mortify Sin in Your Life
Sin is the apex predator of our joy and faithfulness to God. Left unchecked, it can destroy us. Here are three reasons why Christians must work to mortify sin in their lives.