Being on Alert for the Demonic in the Mundane
The Roman gladiatorial games were ordinary, mundane, everyday events; yet, Christians recognized their evil nature. What in our own culture looks ordinary and mundane, yet, at its core, pulsates with the demonic?
Why Did Jesus Use Animal Metaphors to Prepare His Disciples for the Mission of God?
Why did Jesus use the four animal metaphors of sheep, wolves, serpents, and doves to instruct his disciples (Matt. 10:16-20)?
Encouragement for Battling Spiritual Depression
Those of us who tend toward introspection can easily drift into intense soul-searching. Here are some suggestions and encouragement for battling spiritual depression.
Pleading for Life Outside an Abortion Clinic
Some days it seems like a losing battle pleading for life outside an abortion clinic. Tens of women come to get abortions, and just as many leave having obtained them. Yet, on those days, we are encouraged by the reminder of the most wonderful truth—the sovereignty and power of God.