Does God Play Favorites?
We find numerous passages in the Bible where God clearly favors some people over others. What is the difference between favoritism and God’s favor?
3 Ways God Uses Suffering for Good
Tragedies are riddles—and not the fun and amusing kind of riddles. Rather, they are painful and mind-boggling. Here are 3 ways we see God’s love for his children and how he brings about good through suffering.
3 Reasons Why We Can Trust That God Hears Our Prayers
Do you ever wonder whether God is listening when you pray? Here are three reasons why you can trust that your heavenly Father hears your prayers to him.
3 Things about Jesus’ Reign You Need to Know—Whether You’re a Christian or Not
Jesus calls every person to himself with these words: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15).
Is It Chance or Sovereignty?
For God, sovereign over all, knowing all, nothing is accidental. This leaves us with many questions. We want to know the how’s and the why’s of our stories. Many of these questions are, as the psalmist says, “too wonderful” for us.