Seek the “Great Gain”— 1 Timothy 6:6-8
Ads and influencers encourage us to want more and more stuff, but God has something far better for us. What does it mean to seek the “great gain” we read about in 1 Timothy 6:6-8?
How to Stop Striving After the Wind
What does the preacher mean by “striving after the wind” in Ecclesiastes 1:14, and how can Christians avoid this kind of futile striving?
The Comfort of Knowing God Is in Control
Knowing that God is in control helps us to patiently wait and trust in him, for he is most wise, good, and loving in everything that comes to pass.
God's Providential Care for You
God's providence doesn’t just apply to Old Testament characters like Joseph and Moses. It also applies to all his creation, including each one of us. What is God’s providential care?