Pressing On in the Shade of His Presence
Every time I catch myself minimizing the importance of dying to my flesh as it wars continually with the Spirit, I’ve usually made several choices already to undermine my own personal holiness. Here's why we should never let anything in our lives eclipse a breathless, wholehearted pursuit of God.
10 Reasons Christians Can Be Thankful in Trying Circumstances
How can we be thankful and joyful in the midst of a painful trial? The answer is found in all that the Scriptures teach us about trials.
The Fruits of Affliction in the Christian Life
In the midst of our heartache, we often cling to the truth that good will come from it. But what is that good we hope for? Here are six fruits of affliction in the Christian life.
Repeated Sinning and the Hope of Forgiveness
Many who have trusted in Christ struggle deeply in their consciences over their post-conversion sins. How can a true believer commit a particular sin—sometimes repeatedly—after he or she comes to Christ?
5 Reasons Every Christian Should Seek Assurance of Salvation
Plenty of Christians are content to walk through life without the sure knowledge that they belong to Christ. Why is assurance of salvation essential to genuine Christianity?
Can Christians Sin Too Much and Lose Their Salvation?
How much can a person sin and still consider themselves a Christian? Is it possible to sin so much that we sin ourselves out of our salvation?
10 More Words Every Christian Should Know (and Be Able to Explain)
Growing in knowledge of God’s Word helps us to have peace, confidence, and resoluteness in a world filled with anxiety, doubt, and shifting standards. We will also be more effective in sharing the gospel with unbelievers. Here are 10 words every Christian should know.
The Danger of Drifting Away from Jesus
The author of Hebrews gives a sobering warning: “Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it” (Heb. 2:1). How do Christians stay on course?
Do You Have the Guts to Remain in the Church? — Revelation 21:1-8
Perhaps you are losing your confidence in the church right now. What can we learn from Revelation 21:1-8 to encourage us to stand firm in Christ?