What Is Mutual Submission and How Does It Apply to Marriage?
What is Paul saying in Ephesians 5 about mutual submission and how does it apply to marriage for husbands and wives?
My #1 Concern for Christian Men Today
There is one thing I’m most concerned about with regard to Christian men. Where has all the growth in godly disciplines gone?
How to Love Your Wife As Christ Loves the Church
It doesn’t matter how, why, when, or where you came to be married or how you feel about your marriage currently Here’s how you can love your wife right now as Christ loves the church.
12 Wonderful Responsibilities God Has Given to Men
Here are 12 wonderful responsibilities God has given to men.
8 Godly Men of the Bible Who Still Needed a Savior
No matter how godly any of us are in this life, we all fall short of keeping God’s law perfectly. Here are eight godly men of the Bible who still needed a Savior—Jesus Christ our Lord.
Q & A: 10 Important Aspects of Submission and Authority in a Christian Marriage
Are Christian wives called to submit to the godly leadership of their husbands? What does the Bible teach about submission and authority in a Christian marriage?
3 Essential Aspects of Godly Manhood
Here are three essential aspects of godly manhood that are under direct assault today from both outside and inside the church.
Godly Submission: How to Have a Mostly “Functionally Egalitarian” Marriage (Part 3)
There are lots of erroneous and unhealthy stereotypes out there regarding wifely submission. What does the Bible actually say about godly submission and authority in marriage?
Godly Authority: How to Have a Mostly “Functionally Egalitarian” Marriage (Part 2)
What can we learn about the meaning and exercising of godly authority in marriage from the mission of an airline pilot? Actually, a lot.