Life George Bowen Life George Bowen

Building Guitars to the Glory of God

When I retired six years ago, I was surprised at the range of thoughts and emotions I had. Like the bending of the beautiful and delicate Koa wood, God’s gentle hands were pressing against his creation—me—as I somewhat painfully changed shape in a new chapter of life that included building guitars.

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Life Lara d'Entremont Life Lara d'Entremont

Thinking Sensibly About Ourselves

Christians can fall into one of two ditches when it comes to our gifts: viewing ourselves too highly or too lowly. How do we go about learning to think sensibly about ourselves?

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Life Erica Chase Life Erica Chase

When a Woman Can't Have It All

Women are told, “Want a career? Then have it!” “Want to be a wife and mother? You can be that, too!” "You can do it all and if it’s difficult or overwhelming, then you are doing it wrong. Is this true?

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