Valuing and Respecting Your Neighbor As Yourself
If we are to love our neighbor as ourselves, we must first know what it means to love ourselves. Yet, we cannot love ourselves rightly until we know God’s love for us in Christ.
How and Why Do Christians Imitate Christ?
It goes without question that Christians ought to seek to imitate Christ. Yet, how do we imitate Christ and to what end do we imitate him?
Beloved: Processing Our Insecurities in Light of the Gospel
By God’s grace I have learned that the only way to change the horrible talk-track in my head that says “I am not enough” is to have the true narrative about who I am spoken to me to crush the lie for what it is.
Happy Birthday to You! Celebrating a Wonder of God
While the Bible doesn’t command a celebration of birthdays, there are good reasons to celebrate the birth of a person. Why are birthdays special?
24 Bible Passages That Affirm Martin Luther King Jr.'s Dream
Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream that one day there would be equality and unity among all races. While there are many more Bible verses on the subject, here are 24 passages in Scripture that affirm Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream.
Building Guitars to the Glory of God
When I retired six years ago, I was surprised at the range of thoughts and emotions I had. Like the bending of the beautiful and delicate Koa wood, God’s gentle hands were pressing against his creation—me—as I somewhat painfully changed shape in a new chapter of life that included building guitars.
Thinking Sensibly About Ourselves
Christians can fall into one of two ditches when it comes to our gifts: viewing ourselves too highly or too lowly. How do we go about learning to think sensibly about ourselves?
3 Things You Need to Know about God's Love for You
It’s often the case that people look at our outward appearance and achievements before deciding to engage with us; yet, it isn’t that way with God. Here are three things you need to know about God’s love for you.
What Can We Know and How?
We are like God in certain ways, but we are not God. Can we know anything, even for a moment, the way God knows it?