Justice and Mercy United in Christ
If we want to understand the depth of God’s mercy in Christ Jesus, we need a true understanding of the condition of sinful humankind.
Justice, Generosity, and Jesus
One need not be rich to be generous. True Christians are cloaked with the righteousness of Christ and their joy in their salvation pours out, even from deep poverty, into a wealth of generosity for others.
Where Did Hell Go?
It’s difficult to find anyone who wants to talk about hell nowadays because we think that most of us are pretty good overall. Nice people aren’t actually going to end up in some hard-to-believe-it’s-really-true everlasting lake of fire, right?
8 Attributes of God We Encounter at the Cross
It is impossible for God’s mercy to override his justice. His holiness never conflicts with his love. Here are 8 attributes of God we encounter at the cross.