Exercising Wisdom When Helping People in Need
In my time as a pastor I regularly encountered people who were in dire straits—unemployed, homeless, struggling with addiction, and the like. We should always seek to help the needy, but we must be wise in how we assist people.
10 Practical Ways to Help People Who Are Hurting
After my son died in a skiing accident, people cared for my family in a multitude of ways. When you don’t know what to say or do to help someone who is suffering, try these 10 practical tips.
Measuring Your Ministry—a Warning and an Encouragement
Do you see a trend in the Christian West toward secular thinking, corrupting forces, and division? In the context of Christian ministry, what will we gain by measuring size, numbers, achievable goals, and measurable outcomes? In doing so we remove the attention from God and place it on ourselves, making our “impact” of utmost importance. Why is going back to God the best thing to do so in such circumstances?
How Am I Doing? Fine, but Not Really
Have you ever told someone, “I’m fine,” when you’re not fine at all? What do you say or do when someone is trying to live in the face of an excruciating loss?