What Is Necessary for a Christian to Believe?
The question often arises: “What must a Christian believe to be saved”? Most often the broad evangelical answer is “not much.” What is necessary for a Christian to believe?
10 More Words Every Christian Should Know (and Be Able to Explain)
Growing in knowledge of God’s Word helps us to have peace, confidence, and resoluteness in a world filled with anxiety, doubt, and shifting standards. We will also be more effective in sharing the gospel with unbelievers. Here are 10 words every Christian should know.
7 Reasons Why Doctrine Matters for Every Christian
Sound doctrine helps us stay on target regarding what the Bible teaches, why we believe it, and how to live to God's glory in daily life. Here are 7 reasons why doctrine matters for every Christian.
When Doctrine Makes Us Uncomfortable
Right biblical doctrine shouldn’t make us feel angst; rather, when theology causes us distress, we should get curious. How can we go about investigating doctrines that make us uncomfortable?
How Not To Be a Heretic
Of course, no one ever plans to become a heretic, but it still happens. Here are three things you can do to better know and uphold the great truths of the Bible.
Lord's Days 1-8: 10 Q&As from the Heidelberg Catechism Every Christian Should Know
A solid Protestant catechism (learning by question and answer) is a helpful summary of the Christian faith. Here are 10 Q&As from the beloved Heidelberg Catechism every believer will benefit from knowing.
4 Reasons Why Every Christian Needs a Deeply Historical Faith
If we isolate ourselves from church history, then we only have present-day Bible teachers and movements to help us discern biblical truth. Here are 4 reasons why every Christian needs a deeply historical faith.
Spiritual Seasickness: Don’t Be Tossed To and Fro by Every Wind of Doctrine
Getting seasick is truly a miserable experience. How can Christians avoid “spiritual seasickness”—being thrown about by every wind of doctrine?
How to Discern Biblical Truth
Charles H. Spurgeon once stated that discernment is knowing the difference between right and almost right. How can we strengthen our discernment muscles in order to understand and apply Scripture correctly?