Seek the “Great Gain”— 1 Timothy 6:6-8
Ads and influencers encourage us to want more and more stuff, but God has something far better for us. What does it mean to seek the “great gain” we read about in 1 Timothy 6:6-8?
How to Stop Striving After the Wind
What does the preacher mean by “striving after the wind” in Ecclesiastes 1:14, and how can Christians avoid this kind of futile striving?
“Give Me Neither Poverty Nor Riches” — 7 Things the Book of Proverbs Teaches Us About Money
My grandma lived her girlhood through the Great Depression. Her mother had to sell her beloved piano to buy food: “We ate the piano,” Grandma would sometimes say. For many of us today, life is far different. Here are seven things the book of Proverbs teaches us about poverty and wealth, riches and want.
3 Important Things Jesus Teaches Us About Biblical Prosperity
In today’s interconnected world, money is essential for daily living because most of us no longer raise our food, sew our clothes, or build our own homes. In Matthew 6:30-33, Jesus teaches us three important things about money.
Practical Tips for Taming Your Temper
Anger is a product of our hearts, and our hearts are the source of all our desires and thoughts. Here are some practical tips for controlling our emotions in the moment.
2 Good Things to Remember When You Struggle with Change
I don’t know about you, but I’m not such a big fan of change—especially when it comes to change I don’t have control over. Here are two good things to remember in the midst of all the twists and turns of life.
Seeing God's Sovereignty in Little Moments
I had been telling myself that since I had successfully potty trained my two other children, this time with my two-year-old would naturally have to be easier. That was mistake number one. I learned something important that day about God’s sovereignty in the little moments of life.