3 Wrong Reasons to Leave Your Local Church — and 5 Right Reasons to Stay
To be sure, there are legitimate reasons to leave a local church. Here are 3 wrong reasons to leave and 5 right reasons to remain at your current church.
Sharing with Fellow Believers in Their Sufferings
Christian fellowship means no longer knowing others on a surface level but instead getting to the roots of each other’s lives and helping one another with empathy and care.
Are You a Productive Bee? 7 Ways God Has Gifted Christians to Serve
A jar of honey is the result of thousands of forager bees, drones, builders, guards, and nurses toiling for the queen and her honeycomb kingdom. Here are 7 ways Christians also labor together to produce a sweet gospel harvest.
The Vital Connection between Sincere Love and Hospitality in the Church
How we treat someone at church, whether they’re a visitor or longtime member, may affect their involvement and their decision to continue attending. Here are some practical ways to share the love of Christ.
Organic Christian Living in the Local Church
A mechanistic church mindset is a counterfeit to an organic church mindset. How should Christians approach programs and extracurricular activities as they seek to nurture organic love and service in the body of Christ?
Looking for Life in All the Wrong Places: The Book of Ruth, Ch. 1
Turning away from God is a recipe for disaster. In the first chapter of Ruth we find both a nation and a family in spiritual disarray. How was Elimelech’s decision to leave Israel and take his family to Moab similar to choices we see Christians making today?
Navigating Friendship in the Local Church
It’s easy to bring lofty ideas of friendship into the church, oftentimes in a way that is unfair to others, causing us to neglect the body of Christ for not meeting our unreal expectations.
2 Good Things to Remember While You Are Growing through Grieving
Growing through grieving is not something anyone wants to do, but God is at work even in the great pain of death to help his children mature in their walk with him.
Caring for Widows and Widowers in the Church
Widows and widowers most assuredly need the body of Christ to help and support them as they adjust to life without their spouse by their side.