4 Ways to Turn Failure into Growth in Your Child's Life
It’s not easy to watch our children fail. Here are four ways to turn failure into growth in your child’s life.
Welcome Interruptions: The Discipline of Instructing Your Children
Correcting little ones for the same things over and over can get exhausting. Here’s why we need to embrace this duty of parenting as a moment of grace.
How to Comfort and Encourage Parents of a Miscarriage
This past fall my husband and I were welcomed into a community no one wants to be a part of: those who have miscarried a baby. Here are four ways people ministered to us in our suffering.
The Gut-Wrenching Pain of Letting Go and Trusting God with Your Children
I am a daddy of two daughters—a four-year-old and a three-year-old. Because I love my children so much, it has been all too easy to make them into idols. I do not say that lightly or throw that term around. Am I willing to trust God with my girls? Do I really believe that God is good?