4 Good Things to Remember about God’s Grace When Facing a Besetting Sin
When facing a besetting sin—a sin that seems to haunt us, taunt us, and rule us—we may feel discouraged. Here are four good things to remember about God’s enabling grace during such times.
Repeated Sinning and the Hope of Forgiveness
Many who have trusted in Christ struggle deeply in their consciences over their post-conversion sins. How can a true believer commit a particular sin—sometimes repeatedly—after he or she comes to Christ?
Can Christians Sin Too Much and Lose Their Salvation?
How much can a person sin and still consider themselves a Christian? Is it possible to sin so much that we sin ourselves out of our salvation?
God Is Faithful to Forgive Your Sins
Stressful times can lead to the resurrection of old addictions and struggles of the past. What should we do when we experience guilt over our sins and the lingering fear that maybe God doesn’t love or accept us?