It's Chemistry! Practical Advice for Protecting Your Marriage from an Affair
When an extramarital affair starts, it’s likely that sexual chemistry ignited the fuse. Here's some practical advice for protecting your marriage—and the marriages of others—from an affair.
Are Red Letters Better?
Some Bible translations print the words Jesus spoke out loud in red letters, which may lead people to think that those parts of Scripture are more important than others. Is this true?
Dunking, Sprinkling, or Pouring: Is There a Preferred Mode of Baptism?
Some Christians have never seen any other mode of baptism except immersion (dunking). Yet, what about sprinkling or pouring? Is there a preferred mode for baptizing Christians?
4 Characteristics of Good and Lasting Friendships
We need friends who are there for us over the years. Here are some key characteristics of friendships I treasure that have stood the test of time.
10 Facts about Sarah from the Book of Genesis That Will Encourage Your Faith
Sarah had to wait until she was in her nineties to give birth to her first child, Isaac. We can learn much from Sarah about walking in faith in God’s promises.
10 Words Every Christian Should Know (and Be Able to Explain)
Here are 10 words every Christian should know—and be able to explain—in order to "be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have" (1 Peter 3:15).
The Savior Wounds Us, Then Heals Us — Genesis 42-44
In Genesis 42 Joseph’s brothers are pleading for his help. Yet, instead of joyfully throwing his arms around his brothers, Joseph initiates a long and difficult trial for them. Why?
Asking For a Friend: How Do You Love a Jerk?
It’s easy to love someone who’s quiet, meek, and kind—no problem. But the person who annoys us and pushes all our buttons? The selfish and insensitive clod? How do you love a jerk?
6 Amazing Parallels Between Exodus and the Gospel of John
The parallels between the book of Exodus and the Gospel of John are truly amazing! Here are 6 events from God’s deliverance of Israel from Egypt that point us to our ultimate deliverance in Jesus Christ.