Biblical Fathering: On Being Forthright
As opposed to the authoritarian and permissive parenting styles many of us experienced during childhood, here’s why being forthright is the biblical approach to fathering.
2 Kinds of Cheap Grace You Need to Avoid
Cheap grace is worthless. It tries to rob you of your peace and rest in your Savior. Here are two kinds of cheap grace that pretend to be the costly grace God gives you in Christ.
Why Did Jesus Use Animal Metaphors to Prepare His Disciples for the Mission of God?
Why did Jesus use the four animal metaphors of sheep, wolves, serpents, and doves to instruct his disciples (Matt. 10:16-20)?
6 Ways to Avoid Being Like Job’s Friends
It’s not fun being kicked while you’re down. Job’s friends rushed to judgment when he suddenly lost his children, wealth, and health. Here are six things to keep in mind when tragedy strikes.
I Believe in the Holy Spirit — The Apostles' Creed, Article of Faith 8
The Apostles’ Creed states: “I believe in the Holy Spirit.” Who is the Holy Spirit and what does he do?
2 Important Aspects of Christian Baptism Every Believer Should Know
How do the Old Testament accounts of Noah and the Flood and the Israelites passing through the Red Sea help us better understand two important aspects of Christian baptism?
Biblical Fathering: On Being Flexible
The father of old was to hold himself above outward displays of emotion and be above question regarding his decisions as well. Yet, a biblical dad needs to be willing to show how he feels and admit mistakes when he is wrong. Here is some practical advice for fathers on being flexible.
10 Questions a Christian Man Should Ask Himself Before Making a Marriage Proposal
Deciding whether to marry a woman is one of the biggest decisions a man will ever make. Here are 10 questions, along with corresponding Bible passages, a Christian man should ask himself before making a marriage proposal.
What Does It Mean to Be "Born of the Spirit"? — John 3:7-8
Why is it that no one can inherit eternal life without being regenerated by the Holy Spirit, and why is this truth a comfort for believers?