7 Parenting Errors That Can Influence Adult Children to Leave the Faith
Despite bedtime prayers, careful church attendance, family Bible reading, and a firm commitment to living out the faith, neither of our two adult children is currently following Christ. I hope to see others avoid such an outcome. In that light, here are seven parenting errors that can influence adult children to leave the faith.
Who Are the “Two Witnesses” of Revelation 11?
“‘And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth’” (Rev. 11:3). Who are the “two witnesses” of Revelation 11?
Should Images of God Be Allowed in the Church?
The second commandment (Exod. 20:4-6) expressly forbids the use of images of God in worship. How should we view images of God used in teaching, such as pictures of Jesus?
How Is Jesus Your Perfect Prophet, Priest, and King?
The imperfect prophets, priests, and kings of the Old Testament pointed forward to Jesus. How is Jesus the perfect Prophet, the perfect Priest, and the perfect King on behalf of all who trust in him alone for salvation?
He Will Come to Judge the Living and the Dead — The Apostles' Creed, Article of Faith 7
Christians long for Jesus to return. Article 7 of the Apostles’ Creed states: “From there he shall come to judge the living and the dead.” What does this mean?
What Does the Bible Say about Dealing with Divisive People in the Church?
The devil uses cultural divides in society to separate the body of Christ. What does the Bible teach regarding how to deal with divisive people in the church?
Godly Submission: How to Have a Mostly “Functionally Egalitarian” Marriage (Part 3)
There are lots of erroneous and unhealthy stereotypes out there regarding wifely submission. What does the Bible actually say about godly submission and authority in marriage?
2 Ways Boaz Points Us to Christ as Our Kinsman Redeemer
In the book of Ruth, what are the two things Boaz has to do to be Ruth’s redeemer and how does Boaz point us to Jesus?
7 Ways to Be a Friend According to the Bible
People lack friends, and they suffer for it. They are doing life alone, and that is hard. We need to learn to be friends again, and the apostle Paul teaches us how in his first letter to the church in Thessalonica.