3 Good Things to Remember When You Feel Overwhelmed by Your Sin and Failures
Is it possible that even in our self-inflicted trials—when we are acutely aware of our fallen, sinful nature—God’s glory is manifested by his work in and for us? Absolutely.
24 Bible Passages That Affirm Martin Luther King Jr.'s Dream
Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream that one day there would be equality and unity among all races. While there are many more Bible verses on the subject, here are 24 passages in Scripture that affirm Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream.
4 Ways to Respond When Christians Hurt You
When a professing believer hurts our feelings or reputation, how should we respond? Here are four ways.
6 Things to Do If You Want to Be Married—and Aren't Yet
If you’re single and want to be married, you may wonder at times if you will ever experience the joys and challenges of wedded life. Here are six things you can do in the meantime.
2 Marks of Righteous Anger — Ephesians 4:26
Anger is not necessarily wrong or sinful. How should Christians view anger, and what are two marks of righteous anger?
Why Is Prayer So Vitally Important for Christians?
It’s uncommon to hear someone say, “I just could not bring myself to eat for weeks at a time.” Yet, Christians say such things about prayer. Why do Christians struggle to pray faithfully?
Do the Ends Justify the Means?
Some people use the example of Rahab in Joshua 2 to assert that the sin of lying is justified if the resulting end of the lie is considered to be good. Does the Bible support this view?
How Much Free Will Do You Really Have?
Both Christians and non-Christians point out their free will, but how free are we? Are we free to do anything? Why don’t believers use their free will to freely choose never to sin again? It’s actually not all that simple when it comes to free will.
How to Make and Keep Friends
How does a person make and keep friends? Well, there are at least two parts to this. First, you have to meet someone, and second, you have to become part of that person's life.