Godly Compassion
God's compassion provides us with the model of what Christian compassion is. Grounded in God's goodness, compassion is merciful and gracious and comes from a sincere and loving heart.
9 Ways to Love Women in the Church
Here are 9 ways Christian men can communicate to women that they are valued members of the body of Christ.
The Importance of Praying Together as a Couple Before Marriage
There are 3 good reasons why a young couple should be praying together before marriage, and even before their engagement.
What Is God-Given Love?
What does God's love look like, and what makes it different from how the world thinks about love?
3 Ways the Gospel Brings Harmony to Your Marriage
We all enter into marriage with a bit of baggage. Yet, when we come to the place where both persons in marriage have their minds and hearts fixed on Christ, something beautiful happens.
What Is Mutual Submission and How Does It Apply to Marriage?
What is Paul saying in Ephesians 5 about mutual submission and how does it apply to marriage for husbands and wives?
Hope in Singleness
Books on singleness tend to fall into two categories: 1) being single is a burden and 2) being single is the best thing. As a 37-year-old single man, I thought I would share some thoughts that others have found helpful.
Practical Tips for Taming Your Temper
Anger is a product of our hearts, and our hearts are the source of all our desires and thoughts. Here are some practical tips for controlling our emotions in the moment.
Is the World's Hatred a Guarantee That We Are Following Jesus?
Many Christians think that if the world hates them, it’s incontrovertible proof that they must be doing something right. They must be faithfully following Jesus. Why is this reasoning a logical fallacy?