Do the Ends Justify the Means?
Some people use the example of Rahab in Joshua 2 to assert that the sin of lying is justified if the resulting end of the lie is considered to be good. Does the Bible support this view?
Laboring for Christ in Obscurity: Reflections on “The Alpinist”
If you could accomplish great things for the glory of God, but no one except God and you would know, would you still put in all the work necessary to accomplish those things?
5 Ways to Support Your Pastor
Pastors are prone to high rates of burnout and are not immune to stress-related problems from their work such as anxiety and depression. Here are five ways to support your pastor.
Should Christians Drink Alcohol?
Alcohol consumption is a tough topic because it is associated with both joyful and tragic situations. Some Christians think it is perfectly fine to drink alcohol, while others believe it is sinful to partake. Which view is correct?
"A Christmas Carol”: 10 Notable Versions of Dickens’s Holiday Classic
Here are 10 notable versions of Dickens's "A Christmas Carol," discussed (as Mr. Scrooge might have it) in terms of assets and liabilities—and rated out of 5 British shillings.
8 Practical Ways to Flee from Temptation in the Moment
“‘The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak’” (Matt. 26:41). There are times when it’s especially difficult to resist acting upon our sinful desires. Here are eight practical things you can do to flee temptation in the moment.
Communicating Wisely in a Digital Age
Why is it wise to avoid any serious communication with fellow church members via e-mail and social media, and what are some of the advantages of meeting in-person instead?
8 Ways Money Might Be Your Idol
While most believers know that loving money is wrong, many are unaware they may be committing this very sin. Here are a few signs that you may love money too much.
6 Ways to Encourage Peace, Love, and Joy in Your Family on Thanksgiving Day
Family stress, tension, and discord can make Thanksgiving a time for which many are not thankful. Here are six simple ways we can encourage peace, love, and joy on Thanksgiving Day.