What Does It Mean to Be a True Friend?
Sometimes we need someone else to see what we can’t see. A true friend will go to great lengths to rescue us, sometimes even from ourselves. What does it mean to be a true friend?
12 Reasons Why Work Is Good
While some people think that work is a curse resulting from Adam's fall in the garden of Eden, it is actually quite the opposite. Here are 12 reasons why work is good.
3 Important Things Jesus Teaches Us About Biblical Prosperity
In today’s interconnected world, money is essential for daily living because most of us no longer raise our food, sew our clothes, or build our own homes. In Matthew 6:30-33, Jesus teaches us three important things about money.
Friend of Sinners: Evangelizing Like Jesus Did
Tax collectors in Jesus’ time were known to be greedy, dishonest, and generally unethical in their work. It was a scandal for Jesus to eat with them (Luke 5:30) and go into their homes (Luke 19:5-6). Here are some things we can learn from Jesus’ model of evangelism.
What Is the Bible Saying Regarding Women Being Silent in Church?
There are few verses less popular in our day than 1 Corinthians 14:34, which states that women “should keep silent in the churches” and that “they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission.” Why is it wise for us to consider what Paul is saying here?
Building Real Community Jesus' Way
We want communities and relationships that are healthy, joyful, full of peace and love, and—most of all—real. How do we get there, and what are some deterrents to reaching that goal?
Building Guitars to the Glory of God
When I retired six years ago, I was surprised at the range of thoughts and emotions I had. Like the bending of the beautiful and delicate Koa wood, God’s gentle hands were pressing against his creation—me—as I somewhat painfully changed shape in a new chapter of life that included building guitars.
3 Ways You Can Live Intentionally Every Day
Because our hearts naturally wander away from God and we love so many other lesser things, we must train our hearts to gaze upon God. How do we incorporate this into our lives practically?
25 Bible Passages About Having Fun
Summer is a season when people like to get outside, soak in some sunshine, and enjoy God’s good gifts! Here are 25 Bible passages about having fun.