Persistent Prayer — Matthew 7:7
Scripture teaches us to persist in prayer, but should we be repetitive? If God hears our prayers the first time, why should we keep coming back to the throne of grace with the same petition?
Is Church Discipline Mean?
The tendency today is to view the church as a means of therapy, a place of fellowship and encouragement. The very idea of church discipline seems high-handed, arbitrary, unjust, even mean. Is this true?
5 Ways Valiant Women of the Bible Encourage Us Today
The Bible is full of exciting stories, many of them including strong, passionate, and wise women. Here are five God-glorifying traits we find in these valiant women of the Bible who encourage and inspire us today.
One People of God: Christ Has Broken Down the Dividing Wall
I was taught as a teenaged convert that Jews are God’s earthly people and that the church is God’s spiritual people. Here’s why there is one way of salvation for both Jew and Gentile.
5 Reasons Every Christian Should Seek Assurance of Salvation
Plenty of Christians are content to walk through life without the sure knowledge that they belong to Christ. Why is assurance of salvation essential to genuine Christianity?
What Is the Kingdom of God?
Jesus spoke about the kingdom of God numerous times during his earthly ministry. What is the kingdom of God, and what is its significance for Christians in this world? Here is a short explanation.
Who Are the “Two Witnesses” of Revelation 11?
“‘And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth’” (Rev. 11:3). Who are the “two witnesses” of Revelation 11?
Should Images of God Be Allowed in the Church?
The second commandment (Exod. 20:4-6) expressly forbids the use of images of God in worship. How should we view images of God used in teaching, such as pictures of Jesus?
How Is Jesus Your Perfect Prophet, Priest, and King?
The imperfect prophets, priests, and kings of the Old Testament pointed forward to Jesus. How is Jesus the perfect Prophet, the perfect Priest, and the perfect King on behalf of all who trust in him alone for salvation?