What Is "The Holy Catholic Church"?
When saying the Apostles’ Creed, which is an historical, concise, and biblical summary of the Christian faith, we state that we believe in “the holy catholic church.” What does this mean?
Our Calling to Remember God's Faithfulness
When true remembering of God’s promises doesn’t happen, people can fall into idolatry. True remembering internalizes God's promises and faithfulness and issues forth a changed view of life and changed way of living.
Why Every Christian Needs the Ordinary Means of Grace
What are the ordinary means of grace God has given to us in Christ to feed and nourish our faith, and why do we need them?
When Doctrine Makes Us Uncomfortable
Right biblical doctrine shouldn’t make us feel angst; rather, when theology causes us distress, we should get curious. How can we go about investigating doctrines that make us uncomfortable?
Are Translations of the Bible Inspired and Inerrant?
Is biblical inerrancy just for the original version or may our English (or French, or German, or Spanish, etc.) translations of the Bible also be considered inerrant?
Who Is "The One Who Endures to the End"? — Matthew 24:13
Who is Jesus talking about in Matthew 24:13 when he states, “But the one who endures to the end will be saved”?
Why We Don’t Need a Branded Church
While branding can be a useful business model, it’s incompatible with the message and mission of the church. Why?
Earthly Mindedness vs. Heavenly Mindedness — What's the Difference?
The differences between earthly mindedness and heavenly mindedness are matters of the heart. Why does Jesus draw a stark contrast between focusing on things of this earth versus things of heaven in Matthew 6:20-21?
God Can Handle Chaos—Including Yours
In Genesis 1:1-2 we read about God’s formless, empty, lifeless, black, and watery creation and how the Spirit of God loved, sustained, and upheld it. Right now you may feel confused. Empty. Lifeless. Dark. Chaotic. Whoever you are, and whatever the depths and agony of your trials, God is hovering over you: he loves you, he is near to you, and he can rescue you.