Biblical Marriage — Relational and Legal
Why is there both a relational and legal aspect to marriage, and how does earthly marriage help us understand the believer’s union with Christ?
10 Questions a Christian Man Should Ask Himself Before Making a Marriage Proposal
Deciding whether to marry a woman is one of the biggest decisions a man will ever make. Here are 10 questions, along with corresponding Bible passages, a Christian man should ask himself before making a marriage proposal.
10 Questions a Christian Woman Should Ask Herself Before Saying Yes to a Marriage Proposal
Deciding whether to marry a man is one of the biggest decisions a woman will ever make. Here are 10 questions, along with corresponding Bible passages, a Christian woman should ask herself before saying yes.
Q&A: 7 Aspects of the Nature of Marriage According to the Bible
Can people be married in their hearts? Why do we have to sign a piece of paper to make a marriage legal? Here are 7 questions and answers regarding the nature of marriage according to the Bible.
What Is Mutual Submission and How Does It Apply to Marriage?
What is Paul saying in Ephesians 5 about mutual submission and how does it apply to marriage for husbands and wives?
12 Essential Elements of Good Sex According to the Bible
There’s a lot of advice out there regarding how to have a fulfilling sexual relationship. Does Scripture have anything to say on the topic? Absolutely. Here are 12 essential elements of good sex according to the Bible.
The Struggle to Uphold the Biblical View of Marriage in Australia
With last week's passage of an amendment to redefine marriage in Australia in favor of same-sex couples, the country's pastors are now faced with the decision of whether to resign their status as authorised celebrants of the novel Marriage Act. Tasmanian pastor Campbell Markham mailed the following letter to Australia's Attorney General on the same day the Governor General signed into law the country's redefinition of marriage.