Why Is Prayer the Most Important Part of Our Thankfulness to God?
Why does praying to God involve more than giving adoration to God, confessing our sins, thanking God for all he has given us, and making petitions for help?
The Ten Commandments — Exodus 20:1-17
What do the Ten Commandments listed in the book of Exodus mean for Christians today?
Should Images of God Be Allowed in the Church?
The second commandment (Exod. 20:4-6) expressly forbids the use of images of God in worship. How should we view images of God used in teaching, such as pictures of Jesus?
3 Good Things to Remember When You Feel Overwhelmed by Your Sin and Failures
Is it possible that even in our self-inflicted trials—when we are acutely aware of our fallen, sinful nature—God’s glory is manifested by his work in and for us? Absolutely.
Do the Ends Justify the Means?
Some people use the example of Rahab in Joshua 2 to assert that the sin of lying is justified if the resulting end of the lie is considered to be good. Does the Bible support this view?
Being Lights in a Profane World
“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain” (Exod. 20:7). Our modern culture easily falls into irreverent and profane behavior. By their actions Christians are to be light and salt, encouraging those around them in the right use of God’s holy name.
Lord's Days 39-45: 10 Q&As from the Heidelberg Catechism Every Christian Should Know
What are our duties to our neighbor? Why is prayer necessary for Christians? Find out in our latest installment of 10 Q&As from the beloved Heidelberg Catechism, used by more than one million Christians globally!
Lord's Days 32-38: 10 Q&As from the Heidelberg Catechism Every Christian Should Know
What is true repentance? How do we properly worship God? Find out in our latest installment of 10 Q&As from the beloved Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Days 32-38.