What Does “Scripture Alone” Mean, and Why Should You Care?
The phrase "sola scriptura” (Scripture alone) doesn’t mean that Christians should only read the Bible. If your sink gets clogged, a plumbing manual will be of more use than anything in the Old or New Testament. Here's what sola scriptura means and why it matters for you today.
Undergoing the Powerful Scalpel of God’s Truth
Sometimes we avoid the truth because it seems too painful for us to receive for one reason or another. If we fear truth’s incision, it might be that God has targeted an infected part of our life that requires careful removal.
Keeping the Gospel at the Center of Your Bible Study
It can seem like there’s a gaping hole between the Old Testament and New Testament of stories, events, and laws that don’t seem to fit together. How do we connect the dots in our Bible reading?