It's Chemistry! Practical Advice for Protecting Your Marriage from an Affair
When an extramarital affair starts, it’s likely that sexual chemistry ignited the fuse. Here's some practical advice for protecting your marriage—and the marriages of others—from an affair.
Is It True That You Can't Help Falling in Love with Someone?
The idea that we are helpless victims of love is a very ancient one. How should we respond when our passions, desires, and instincts urge us to have sexual intimacy with someone if the Bible forbids it?
17 Custom-Made Temptations Crafted Just for You
It is vital, a matter of life and death, to understand the ways Satan will tempt us to sin. Be on guard against these 17 custom-made temptations—crafted just for you.
The Forbidden Woman: Some Thoughts on Love, Marriage, and Adultery
Adultery is the ultimate act of betrayal in the great design of marriage that intends for us to love the spouse that we are joined to by God himself. Proverbs 5 provides us with great insight into the pathway of adultery.
All Sins Are Not Alike: Sexual Immorality, Chastity, and Wisdom
Because of the sexual revolution, we hardly know what chastity is any more. In some circles it has become axiomatic that sexual sins are no worse and no different from any other sins. What are the two classes of sin, and why is it important for Christians to recognize the difference?
Pastors, the Graham Rule, and Wisdom
It was recently announced that another pastor was removed from ministry because of sexual immorality. What are some of the objections people have to the Graham Rule (also known as the Pence Rule), and, when it comes to pastoral ministry in particular, are these objections valid?