Why You Should Love to Go to Church
The Scriptures warned that there would be a problem of Christians saying they don’t need to come to church. We live in those times. And I suggest that people are spiritually languishing because of this disregard.
Lord's Days 39-45: 10 Q&As from the Heidelberg Catechism Every Christian Should Know
What are our duties to our neighbor? Why is prayer necessary for Christians? Find out in our latest installment of 10 Q&As from the beloved Heidelberg Catechism, used by more than one million Christians globally!
Lord's Days 32-38: 10 Q&As from the Heidelberg Catechism Every Christian Should Know
What is true repentance? How do we properly worship God? Find out in our latest installment of 10 Q&As from the beloved Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Days 32-38.
You Need to Rest—the Seventh Day of Creation
The Sabbath was supposed to be a day of rest, but the Pharisees loaded it with stupid laws and turned the Sabbath into a day of fear and misery. How did Jesus recover the Sabbath, and what does it mean for us today?